I've been pretty hit and miss with the last 2 months of projects at The Cuttlebug Spot with our move. I thought I'd blog a quick re-cap for those that don't know where I've disappeared to and post a few cards that I made in the process after they were due of course!
We've lived in Portland, Oregon for the past 7 years. The end of May I had a potential oppertunity open up in our home town Sandpoint, Idaho. I was a little leary as it is a small town but we've wanted to move back for quite some time now. Anyhow... my hubby and I talked it over and decided if we could find a good lead at least for him we should have faith and move forward. He made one phone call and got the position he was inquiring about working from home in Sandpoint! Seriously it was nearly too much to take but we knew it must be "to be" and hit the ground running.
June 1st was our date when everything came together. We gave notices at our current jobs, child care, etc and started packing. My last day of work was June 12th. I flew out that night for my first business trip for 4 days, returned home to pack and load the truck only 3 days later. We did it though! We didn't have housing arranged but knew it would fall in to place. I started my new job June 22nd, we moved into our house the following week and haven't stopped since.
Back to scrappin! My room is still mostly boxes but I have kept out or found my core goodies to play with. Finding my cuttlebug plates was the biggest job. I had help packing the final boxes in my craft room for the move. My step dad, bless his heart, obviously didn't know what these babies were for as they were packed in 4 different boxes. It is all together now though. I have also found my camera :) and I have internet too :) (I know... that is big girl stuff, LOL) It feels like we might just be 'moved' now, mostly anyways.
I certainly haven't kept up with all the past challenges but I have 4 to post here. I look forward to getting back in the groove and creating / sharing with you all again regularly!
Challenge 34 ~ Anniversary Card

Challenge 36 ~ Celebrate Summer / Schools Out
**I can't find the following pics at the moment. I'll have to retake them and post tomorrow :) A minor glitch to blogging... invisible photos :)
Challenge 37 ~ Celebrate Your Country
Challenge 39 ~ The Inside Counts